While I am here in Brazil I am also taking an online business course through the OSU's Fisher College of Business as part of my study abroad package. In one of the mandatory meetings prior to my exchange, one of the program directors mentioned that this course, and the tasks we will be expected to complete for this course, will help us to have concrete answers to the future question "what was the benefit of your study abroad?". This course currently has me finding businesses of possible interest, contacting them and setting up future interviews.
Outer Shoes
Outer Shoes is a shoe store/brand that started in Rio de Janeiro in 2004. I came across the store in Rio in 2010, when Outer only existed in that city. I fell in love with the eco-friendly theme and the smart leather styles. I bought my first pair of Outer shoes that year and wore them proudly until March of this year when I officially retired them (I put them in the trash, panicked, and then took them out and photographed them. I decided they were still to beautiful to be trash and made plans to turn them into flower pots). Almost four years later the Outer brand has expanded across Brazil. The store is not yet "popular", but has had continuing success and growth. I chose to contact this store as part of my project. I filled out a "contact us" form online and was surprised when the next day I received an email from an individual from Outer who agreed to give me information and an interview.
Timing is Everything
Two weeks ago (only a few days after the previously mentioned email) I went to São Paulo with my host parents to celebrate Sérgio's mother's 97th birthday and then to pick up Rob, my visiting boyfriend, at the airport. The day of the birthday party my host mother and I went to Morumbi Mall in São Paulo, where I saw online an Outer shoe store was supposed to "open shortly". I was convinced the store would not yet be open. To my surprise, however, the store had opened two days before and their website had not yet updated. In the store I talked to a cool lady who happened to work in the Outer headquarters in Rio. I told her how I thought it was so nice that Outer got back to me so promptly and with a positive response. She asked me who sent me the email, I gave her the name, and she told me that it was actually the owner and creator of the brand and store who replied to me and agreed to an interview! Woah! The news gave me celebrity shock. I asked for my new friend's picture with my new Outer shoes (Yay! I bought new Outer shoes!) and emailed it to the owner the next day, thanking him again for agreeing to an interview.
Current News
Rob leaves for Columbus on Monday morning. As an exchange student, past and present, I have always wanted to share the experience with someone I loved. Sometimes when hit by culture shock or struck by the beauty of something or someone out of the ordinary I get a bit sad that I am "alone" in the experience. Rob finally gave me a chance to share a little bit. Two weeks went by too quickly, but maybe it was enough to entice him to come back with me again. Maybe it was enough that he can miss it with me when I am back in the states.
We leave for São Paulo tomorrow, where we will stay the night near the airport and leave early the next morning to catch his flight. These past two weeks with him were the happiest ones I have had since my arrival. Tonight I made him cookies and cried while talking to him about tomato sauce. Sigh...love is a weakness. Good night.

The ones you brought home from the first trip looked a lot like the Campers that bombarded the sidewalks when I first came to Montreal and I wondered what the connection was. (Camper is a popular Spanish brand whose shoes are manufactured almost exclusively in China.) Now I finally know there wasn't a connection, and actually I like Outer a lot! Here is their website for other readers: http://www.outershoes.com.br/
ResponderExcluirKatie, I assume they are manufactured in Brazil with Brazilian materials?
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ResponderExcluirThe shoes are made in Brazil! The leathers they use are the ones that usually get thrown out because other shoe companies look for leather without imperfections. Outer likes to use the more authentic looking leathers and they don't use chemicals to bleach or dye them, which is part of their claim of being "eco-friendly". They also use recycled rubber for the shoe soles.
ResponderExcluirI assumed they are using Brazilian leather as there is plenty of it here and import tariffs are super high for imports from anywhere other than MERCOSUL counrties (Argentina,Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Venezuela) however I can't find anything that states exactly that. I am planning an interview with the owner and creator of Outer, Breno Bulus. I'll ask him if he uses Brazilian leather. I really wouldn't be surprised if they used leather from Argentina.