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sábado, 17 de agosto de 2013

Long Distance Relationship


I read somewhere that the majority of people experience, at some point, a long distance relationship. Last summer when I was studying in Florianópolis, Brazil I had to deal with it too for the first time. Before I left for Floripanópolis I tried to set up guidelines for communication between my boyfriend and me, thinking that too much communication would take away my focus in school, the abroad experience and would make me miss him more. The guidelines I set up were very quickly thrown out the window and I was Skype-ing my guy at least once a day. This time before I left I had a better idea of what to expect communication-wise. I downloaded Skype on my iphone and now I find myself sending messages about three times a day. It's a lot, and I'll admit that my mind and complete focus are not here with me in Brazil, but I can't imagine doing anything different. I miss him so much and I can't imagine that not talking to him would fix that. Silly me. It wouldn't at all.


I went out last weekend and again yesterday with my host sister. She semi-recently ended a four year relationship and is only now putting herself "back out there". Ju's goal when she goes out is to find the right guy. My goals on these past two nights have been to laugh, relax and avoid eye contact.

With Ju on the hunt, I and Ju's friends have had to put up with her prey's wing-men. The first night I was approached by wing-man X (who I will from this point on refer to as X). Within two minutes of chat,  X  learned I had a boyfriend. With my handy dandy iphone I showed him two of the grossest couple pictures known to single-mankind, you know with kittens, puppies and cheek kisses. "This is Rob. We are probably going to get married" I said. Surprisingly he didn't get the VERY DIRECT hint. After about twenty minutes of semi-awkward conversation (awkward in that he was flirting and I was dodging) he left and against his own freely given word, did not come back.

Again last night I used the ol' "look at my cute boyfriend" to dodge a different wing-man. This time the message was well received and respected. You know, I feel kind of bad shoving a picture of my relationship in the face of those who may be looking for just that, but being direct is best for everyone. Wing-men don't waste their time, I stay out of trouble and my boyfriend is happy. I know some guy is going to read this and think I am a bitch and say "girls in relationships shouldn't go out" as I have heard before. To him I say; "No no, you shouldn't go out...ever".

Get Your Head in the Game!

Tomorrow will mark the one month anniversary of my arrival in Brazil! It passed quickly and I can't help but hope it continues to go quick. I can't help it. One of the worst aspects of being in a long distance relationship is this consciousness of not completely living your life, not completely being in the moment. I have been given a great opportunity but I can't help but look forward to going back to Columbus. I miss my guy. Eu tenho saudades dele!

With that being said, I won't let myself miss out! Don't worry. I enjoy being here and I love my host family. I promise myself that I will make the most of this opportunity despite being a sad, silly girl in love.

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