Last week classes started on Thursday. Both of the classes I have had since then have been interesting and taught by seemingly kind professors. The classes are very long however, four hours each. Each class only happens once a week, which is why they are so long. The length of these classes I am taking intimidates me and the fact that I don't understand 100% (I am around 90% comprehension) of what my professor says is also intimidating. I am nervous but, even classes in the states make me nervous at first, so I assume I will adjust.
Ongoing Complaint
I made my schedule two weeks ago. One of the classes I signed up for did not have a determined location. I was told to email the international office and that they would send me the location. I emailed them. They did not return the email. This ended up not being a problem. I made a phone call and got the information I needed. But what about the average exchange student? This international program administrators do not even know I speak Portuguese. Their thoughts are not "Oh yes Katie Drown has a lot of resources she can use to survive here so we can ignore her". I can't say I know exactly what their thoughts are, but I cannot help but feel forgotten or even worse, ignored. I can do well on my own, but I am offended by the lack of welcome, concern and responsibility on my host institution's end. I also feel bad for any exchange student who is here without all the advantages I have (a comfortable living area, concerned and supportive close friends, familiarity with campus and surrounding city, a cellphone, and fluency in the language).
A Guilty Ongoing Complaint
So I should do something about it! Right my American friends and family? Not quite, at least not yet. I told my host mom last night about my hesitancy to make a complaint and she confirmed my thoughts with her opinion that nothing would change and bad sides do exist. So I guard my thoughts until I find that they will be respected and not punishable.
Though the institution has its faults, kindness from other students is making my school experience better. In my very first class I met a group of very helpful peers who invited me to lunch (couldn't go but I really appreciated the invitation) and took me to the library and helped me figure out what steps I needed to take to use the library system. Another student emailed me very descriptive instructions on how to access a type of student database online. :) They made me happy and probably do not know how much their kindness mattered. Some "thank you cookies" might be in order.
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